Monday, November 17, 2008


We started giving Hailey rice cereal last week and she absolutely loves it! She will just sit there with her mouth open waiting for the next bite... sometimes I feel likeI can't get her the next bite fast enough! As you can see, she and daddy have a great time together, eating isn't any fun unless you can get messy! Keep looking back for updates on her new foods!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

So Busy!

We've been so busy lately with random things, I haven't had a chance to post! Jonathan is currently in Montana, but on his way home today. He went hunting over there for deer. It's a trip that he absolutely loves and can't wait for each year. This time he got a 4 by 4 mule deer and a white tail doe, so I think it's safe to say he had a great trip! Hailey is still working on getting some teeth in so she's been a little uncomfortable, sleepy and cranky throughout the day but still manages to smile and laugh at things just as she usually does. She's also trying to figure out how to roll from her back to her stomach. She rolls onto her side and then rolls back to her back, but she's almost there! Porter's doing okay, I think he's felt a little neglected since Jonathan has been gone, but he's hanging in there :) And as for me, I've just been trying to keep up with the laundry, the cleaning, work, Hailey and Jonathan :)