Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Well October is almost over and I don't think I have posted at all this month! In the beginning of the month Hailey and I went to the Apple Squeeze in Steilacoom. The Apple Squeeze is an event that Steilacoom has every year where you can squeeze your own apple juice, eat apple pies, fritters, butter and other delicious apple treats! It also gives the citizens a chance to set up boothes and sell some art work or share hobbies. Daddy and Papa met us down there later with Grandma Bon-Bon when they were able to get away from work for a little bit. We also had the pleasure of seeing Sarah and Jenny and meeting their little ones Sterling and Makenna. Sarah, Jenny and I were all pregnant at the same time and our babies are just weeks apart, so it was fun to have the chance to catch up! After the festivities, we went back to Grandma and Grandpa's house and visited with more family!
Just this last week we made a trip down to Oregon and I get a big "F" because I forgot to take pictures. But Hailey got to spend quite a bit of time with her Nona, Granpa K, Auntie Anna and Aunt Rhonda and on our way home she got to meet her Great Grandma and Grandpa Hess and Aunt Shari for the first time! It was a busy and somewhat hectic trip, but a good one to say the least.

On our way to the Apple Squeeze!

Me & Hailey, Jenny & Makenna, and Sarah & Sterling. The babies were worn out!

Hailey and Uncle Josh!

Hailey and Auntie Melanie!

There's nothing better than a daddy's love :)

Auntie Katie has the magic touch! Hailey was so tired and grumpy that she was fighting going to sleep, but Katie was able to calm her down in a matter of minutes :)

Such a happy baby!

1 comment:

Sarah Officer said...

Let me know when you come to Oregon! Whether or not it be this trip we should totally get together when you come down sometime! Your little punklet is such a doll!