Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I've been waiting to post so that I would be able to share some pictures with everybody, but unfortunately our computer is in storage and so is our camera so I've been relying on technology from other people to help document our last month! Hopefully I will be able to post some new pictures soon.

For those of you who haven't heard yet, we're having a baby boy! So far he's twice as big as Hailey was at this point, so I'm a little scared, but super excited to have one of each! We are so blessed. Jonathan and I are going to register today for a few essential boy items and look into getting another crib (since we'll be needing two now). It's going to be so much fun shopping for little boy stuff, I can't wait :)

Hailey is doing great! She's crawling everywhere and pulling herself up on anything she can. We went to the zoo last week for the first time and she had a blast. Her favorite animals were the whales and the walruses. Every time they swam up to the window right in-front of her she screamed, laughed and starting hitting the window. It was pretty cute. She also just had her nine month appointment and is growing perfectly. She weighs 16 pounds 8 ounces and is 27 1/2 inches long. She's still little but growing!

As for Jonathan and I, we're busy with work and are also trying to buy a new house in DuPont. We're supposed to close the end of March, so I should have some pictures of our new home soon! We are very excited to have a bigger home and yard for our kids to play and grow up in. Other than that we've just been enjoying our time with miss Hailey and our families!


The Billings' family said...
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The Billings' family said...

Congrats on the baby boy on the way. I hope the transition into your new house is a smooth one. Can't wait to see pictures.

The Billings'