Monday, September 8, 2008

Its that time of the year again....

Well both Jonathan and I love this time of the year! Although it's a little sad to see the summer go, this is the time of year where the leaves start to change color, the air becomes crisp, we snuggle up by the fire at night and we get to spend a lot of time with our friends and families! Aside from all of these great things, we usually do quite a bit of fishing, Jonathan finally gets his hunting fix and I have the opportunity this year to have a lot of one-on-one time with miss Hailey.

There hasn't been a whole lot going on lately. Jonathan has been working a lot and just left yesterday to go hunting. I've been able to talk to him a couple times, and unfortunately he hasn't seen any elk yet.... hopefully he'll have better luck in the upcoming days. Melanie came over yesterday as well and took some pictures of Hailey and a few family photos too! When I get copies from her I will definitely post some of them. As for me, I've just been working, cleaning, and playing with Hailey!

Miss Hailey was 12 weeks (3 months) yesterday, and has been cooing and smiling so much lately! She loves it when people sing to her, she loves to be outside and often tries to mimic our expressions and words that we say to her. Right now her favorite word to mimic is "Hello"... I can pretty much get her to make some sort of cooing noise every time I say hello to her :) We're guessing she weighs about 11-12 pounds, is finally out of her newborn diapers and is fitting into her 0-3 and 3-6 month clothes! We cherish every moment we get to spend with her and can't imagine a day without her.

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