Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Well it looks like I'm creating a pattern that I'm going to have to fix. Blogging once a month just isn't going to work. Hailey is growing up so fast and there are so many new things she is doing.

Absolutely LOOOOOVES to dance
Finally got her first two teeth on March 24th & 25th
Points at everything and says "DAT" and then tries to repeat you when you tell her what it is that she's pointing at
Prefers to eat 'big people' food and to feed herself (she's super independent)
Likes to pull everything and anything off the coffee table and onto the floor
Loves to read her butterfly book
Still isn't sleeping through the night :)
Still takes two 2hr naps a day with a 1hr nap somewhere in there too!
Loves animals
Has the best smile in the world and a great sense of humor
Hates getting dressed but loves to take her clothes off
Recently discovered that she really like yogurt, fruit, playing in the toilet and eating toilet paper, but doesn't like the way the grass feels on her skin

... I could probably go on forever...

Aside from miss Hailey, our other little one is still growing well and helping me to grow too :) I gained 14 pounds in two months (only bringing me to a total weight gain of 22lbs.) and have since slowed down since then. He is definitely a mover and a shaker though. We don't have an official name for him yet but are very close! One of my most exciting moments throughout this pregnancy was getting to take maternity pictures with Katie!

Lastly, we have a new home!!! I only have a couple pictures because we're still trying to move in, but I'll post the ones I have and then update again later!!


Dining Room

Family Room


Sarah Officer said...

So glad you updated!...I love your home, it is beautiful!!! You are looking great and I can't wait to see more of you once we get up there. I look forward to hearing the name you pick for your son...yay!!!

Unknown said...

Your pictures are wonderful, especially the ones of Hailey dancing. OH, My God! What a lot of moves that little girl has. Can't wait for our little boy to arrive. We love you all. Great Nana & GB