Thursday, April 23, 2009

Play dates, date night and watermelon!

Hailey has been so lucky to have such cute and sweet friends to play with. We love our play dates! Her second favorite thing to do is eat new foods... her latest favorite is watermelon. She absolutely loves watermelon and would probably eat it all day long if we let her.

YUUUMMM!! Watermelon!!

Hailey and Kaylee

Hailey and Miss Rachel

Hailey and Carson

Jonathan and I have been so busy with the house and Hailey we haven't had much time to concentrate on eachother, so last night we decided to go on a date to the Rainiers game. We had so much fun together, pretty much laughing the entire time we were there. The only downfall was that it was absolutely FREEZING!!! We left a couple innings early because it was so cold, so we're not sure who won, but when we left the Rainiers were losing :( But it was a really interesting and exciting game. We got to see a grand slam, and a few more home runs and great plays. We had a wonderful time.

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